if ever you want to embarrass a woman, just ask her to list out the contents of her handbag. It’s guaranteed that she’d have her entire life packed within the diameters of a few inches of leather.
Partially why, the idea of carrying a petite clutch frustrates most women. Especially when they’re not attending an award function. The most analysed argument is that you can’t stuff an extra pair of shoes, on-the-go toiletries kit, daily planner, seven-varieties of technological devices and a hundred million lip products in a clutch. You just cannot!
Taking these legitimate factors into consideration comes this trend report of an oversized, box-shaped Gladstone bag that has been modelling itself on celebrities’ arms for quite some time. Over the years, the shapes and sizes have changed on a monthly basis, but just recently it’s found to have stabilised itself and be classified as an accessory trend for 2012.
Whether you make it part of your strategically planned curated wardrobe or the contrary, the Gladstone bag holds a position stronger than what might be shunned for being just another statement accessory. Luxury brands have now placed this bag on the frontline of runway fashion.
Fashionising.com has sifted the best for you, only so that your accessory closet stays updated with the latest and the best. Read all about the history of the Gladstone bag (which also has another fancy name), its runway inspiration and styling tips right after the break.

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