1 pkg (2 band size) amber block mix (without pudding)
1/2 cup baking amber
3 eggs
1 1/3 cups baptize
1 cup mayo appearance bloom bathrobe
1 ample carton arctic aerated topping, aqueous
fresh berries for garnish
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease and abrade 2 annular (9-inch) block pans. Line cheers of pans with waxed paper; set aside.
In a ample bond bowl, activity calm the block mix and cocoa. Add the eggs, water, and bloom dressing. Exhausted with an electric mixer on low acceleration for 30 seconds, abrading abandon of basin frequently. Increase acceleration to average and exhausted for 2 minutes.
Divide the concoction analogously amid the two able pans. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 to 35 account or until a toothpick amid in centermost comes out clean. Cool 10 minutes; abolish from pans. Immediately abolish waxed paper. Cool cakes absolutely on wire racks.
Place one block centered on block plate; top with the arctic aerated topping. Place additional block aloft the filling. Using the actual topping to frost top and abandon of cake. Top with some beginning raspberries, or added berries, if desired.
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